For whom
Seperation of mind and body
By exploring concepts based on the integration of mind and body (instead of those based on the separation if mind and body) in a scientific way FilosKi wishes to create a path by which these methods can be integrated in international guidelines in physiotherapy.
For this moment this is not possible, because physiotherapy is thought to be based on a 'Western ratio', expressed by scientific research as the only tool to develop professional standards.
This means that methods based on meditation (or prayer) cannot be integrated, even if this would benefit the movement of people relying on physiotherapy.
This integration is thought to be necessary to reach people that rely on public health care for their needs of good therapy supporting them in their needs to maintain health. Physiotherapy offers worldwide an excellent professional environment to develop methods that are based on the integration of mind and body.
Seperation of mind and body
By exploring concepts based on the integration of mind and body (instead of those based on the separation if mind and body) in a scientific way FilosKi wishes to create a path by which these methods can be integrated in international guidelines in physiotherapy.
For this moment this is not possible, because physiotherapy is thought to be based on a 'Western ratio', expressed by scientific research as the only tool to develop professional standards.
This means that methods based on meditation (or prayer) cannot be integrated, even if this would benefit the movement of people relying on physiotherapy.
This integration is thought to be necessary to reach people that rely on public health care for their needs of good therapy supporting them in their needs to maintain health. Physiotherapy offers worldwide an excellent professional environment to develop methods that are based on the integration of mind and body.

Bregje (35)
"Bart Derkx expresses rest and ease from the moment I enter the room. He understands me immediately and feels whats wrong with me. Then he touches the tension zones of my body. Then I learn to feel those points too and to relax myself at home", tells Bregje.

Ferdinand (79)
"Derkx is important to me", Ferdinand says, "In the first place just by being there! Walking with Bart Derkx makes me strong! Then I can do anything, it seems. He gives me tips how to walk the best way for me."

Anton (57)
"The brain likes to think in mirror images. Now maybe it looks for his brain he’s moving two hands. That has an effect on the way Anton feels."